Project AK-47, a program of Just Projects International, has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy.
Just Projects International assures you that the identity of all who contact us through this website is kept confidential: we do not rent, sell, or exchange our mailing lists and we will always strive to be responsible stewards, and cost-effective in our fund raising. Our staff members have been serving children at risk for generations, and are continually working to ensure that every dollar is used to its fullest for this purpose. We will exert every effort to honor any designation or preference you have stated. Anything less would violate the trust we keep with you, with the children, and the communities we serve.
As with most other Internet sites, our web servers utilize "cookies" to track a user's activity within our site as well as record the IP address of each visitor to this site. A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your computer. A cookie contains a unique identifying feature that allows our computer to recognize you when you return to the Project AK-47 site. The recorded IP address tells us which domain you visited from (for instance,, but not your email address or other private and personal information. We use the information we record to help diagnose problems with our servers, to administer this website more effectively, and to gather broad demographic information about what countries and domains our visitors hail from and their behavior on our site.
Those who choose to register through various login/account type features on our site may choose to give us certain contact information (such as their email address). These features may also request optional demographic information (such as zip code, age, etc.). Unless communicated by you, we may use this contact information to send you additional information about Just Projects International and its programs. Your voluntarily provided contact information may also be used to contact you when necessary in order to resolve customer service issues or questions.
In some cases, our site uses securely encrypted contribution response forms for visitors who choose to use these forms to provide information, request information, and make donations. We collect your willingly submitted contact information (such as your email address), unique identifiers (in some cases, a Project AK-47 donor account number), and financial information (such as a credit card type, number, and expiration date). Contact information from these response forms is used to process donations, provide receipts and other information about Project AK-47 to our customers. The visitor's contact information is also used to get in touch with the visitor when necessary in order to resolve customer service issues or questions. Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for donations pledged. Unique identifiers (such as a Project AK-47 account number) may be collected from website visitors to assist in matching current donation information with donor history in our record systems.
At times, online surveys may ask visitors for contact information (such as their email address), as well as a variety of demographic and practical questions. We may use contact data from our surveys to send the user information about Project AK-47. The user's contact information may also be used to contact the visitor when necessary.
Should you wish to opt-out or discontinue regular contributions, contact us at or (877) 421-2615 and we will contact you.
This site may contain links to other sites. Project AK-47 is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.